Check for WagwEU.
Your client in the Netherlands uses your services for a temporary job. You are a company not
established in the Netherlands or a self-employed person with a non-Dutch place of residence. You
are or your company is established in the EU, EEA or Switzerland.
Your client is obliged to check whether you and/or your employees are correctly registered before
coming to the Netherlands. This obligation to report is part of the WagwEU. The verification of
registered foreign companies and posted workers can only be done via the online reporting desk at This can be done in both Dutch and English.
What is the WagwEU?
The WagwEU stands for the Terms of Employment Posted Workers in the European Union Act. This
Act, which came into force on 18 June 2016, entitles workers who are posted to the Netherlands to
the main terms of employment provided in the Netherlands. These include the rights to the
minimum wage, sufficient rest hours, safe working conditions, equal treatment of men and women,
and a minimum number of days off.
In addition, the employer abroad, and in certain sectors also self-employed persons, have a number
of administrative obligations, including the duty to notify. This makes it easier to check whether
businesses are keeping to the rules.
Your Dutch client requests that you go through the appropriate WagwEU route control before you
start your activities in the Netherlands. This enables you to show your client that your administration
is in order and that you comply with the current laws and regulations concerning the EU WagwEU.
If you have any questions or comments you can find the helpdesk email address in your received emails.